Glorious weather, unprecedented numbers, thunderous drumming from Tano Taiko and a wonderful range of costumes combined to make last Sunday the best Honiton Sport Relief day so far. The steady trickle of entries over the last few weeks gradually built to a flood on Sunday morning as mums, dads, children and grandparents poured into The Mackarness Hall to join the event. Honiton Running Club was hard pressed to keep up with taking money, issuing numbers and serving cakes. One couple had come up from Torquay to take part because they said that the Honiton Mile had been such a friendly atmosphere. Eventually over 530 participants were registered – 130 on the day. The Mile participants were put through their paces in a warm up by Tracey Strawbridge before making their way to the start. At 10:30 they were given a rousing send off by Matt Young from Radio Exe and the front of the crowd sprinted off down the High St. Spectators were treated to a great sight as Honiton Primary school runners in blue tops, dodged round Sylvester the cat, a large green hippo, Bob the Builder and a jogging banana. Fairies and princesses competed with Batman and Robin, and Mario and Toad. The sprinters were way down the High street by the time mayor Vernon Whitlock in full regalia sedately crossed the start line in company with the other walkers. One very young child hitched a lift on her dad’s shoulders but most of the children were way ahead of their parents. As they approached New St they were cheered on by a crowd of spectators and the strong rhythmic Japanese-style drumming of Tana Taiko. It was not long before the first runner, Stephen Crompton came sprinting down New St to the finish, quickly followed by Honiton Running Club junior Jordan Roe-Lavery. Then came charging children with red-faced parents puffing along behind - – “ I never knew she could run so fast and so far” said one exhausted mum about her 6 year-old daughter. Medals, bottles of water and real bananas were handed out and the runners enjoyed the sun and the stunning performance of the drummers. An hour later it was the turn of the 3 mile and 6 mile runners, to set off. They did a loop down the High St and round the top of the town via Tesco and St Michael’s church. Lots of juniors from Honiton Running Club took part with Rowan Westall coming in second, followed by Harry Whitely and Lydia Clapp. The young lad who came in first was quickly recruited to the club by leader Richard Harvey. First home in the 6 mile event was Dominic Schneider of the Axe Valley club. It was a great occasion and a fitting climax to weeks of preparation by Honiton club members, particularly Warren Oak, and also to the many Sport Relief activities by local schools and other groups. £561 pounds was raised by the street collection so with the entry fees, sponsorship and other fund-raising activities we expect to exceed the £7505 donated in 2010. Photos of the event are available to see and download from Honiton Running Club website at www.honitonrc.com.