Sponsors: Hall and Scott Estate Agents, Otter Nurseries, Bovis Homes, Quay Kinetics, Curt Willis Motors, Leisure East Devon and Sainsburys
Runners can enter via the form below on the understanding that the entry will be provisional until your cheque and SAE arrives or we have your BACS payment. BACS entrants please collect your number on the day.
Online Payment by bank transfer (BACS) £12 Entry Fee or £10 for EA/ARC members
The Honiton RC account details are
Account Name: Honiton Running Club
Account No: 91367757
Sort Code: 40-24-28
PLEASE ENTER the following as the transaction name
Ottery+firstname+surname (but only 18 chars. allowed so just make sure we know who your are )
e.g. John Burgess would type OtteryJohnBurgess
Online Payment by bank transfer (BACS) £12 Entry Fee or £10 for EA/ARC members
The Honiton RC account details are
Account Name: Honiton Running Club
Account No: 91367757
Sort Code: 40-24-28
PLEASE ENTER the following as the transaction name
Ottery+firstname+surname (but only 18 chars. allowed so just make sure we know who your are )
e.g. John Burgess would type OtteryJohnBurgess