When the runners set off for this month's handicap I knew that Ross's handicap must be wrong as he was being sent off too early. It was no surprise then when he came belting round the corner to the finish with no other runners in sight. So the race was awarded to Kathy who had a storming run with a new PB by 21 sec. Having checked my less than infallible spreadsheet I found the mistake but then saw that Ross had such a good run (a PB by 2:27!) that he would still have won so back he goes into first place - sorry Kathy. As you can see there were some other good PB's. Tim was complaining about being unfit, carrying a hamstring injury, or some such moan but then overtook almost everyone to finish 3rd. Liz had another 4th place and set a new PB and Clare must be pleased to be running well after she lost some of her speed. The two Nick's had a battle royal. Nick the Yorkie had a 51 sec start but Nick the Car caught and passed him up the hill. Being a lad from up-north Nick the Yorkie held on and then got in front on the downhill stretch. He did admit to drafting, and you can see why, but that's no crime in running. Then we had the most exciting finish of the night, with two dogs, Tracey and Rod sprinting for the line. The dogs won but had Rod not chosen that moment to check his watch - was he late for an appointment? - it might have been a different story. Then we had Judy just keeping Steve in his rightful place, Lesley slightly off pace because of lack of running recently and Graham still recovering from and injury were next in. Jo Jo, Simon and Wendy were a bit off form but you can't be a super-fit and highly toned athlete all the time, the cake and wine are far too tempting!
Thanks to Suzanne and Steve for recording + two little Spiller cheerleaders, Ella and Max, but mum and dad need to work on the actual cheering bit.
Thanks to Suzanne and Steve for recording + two little Spiller cheerleaders, Ella and Max, but mum and dad need to work on the actual cheering bit.