Who we are and what we doWe are a friendly running club with members of all ages and abilities and we welcome new members to come and try us out before joining. Although like-minded "runners" we all do it for different reasons. We are inclusive and encourage those whose reason to run is to benefit physical and mental health, balance out the cake in a social environment as well as welcoming keen racers! Whichever box you tick get in touch and come along to join us on a club night. We meet 3 evenings a week and often at weekends and mix up the schedule to keep it interesting. We ask that new members be able to run 3 miles/5km, at whatever pace suits you. We understand everyone is at a different stage in their running journey so if you’re not quite there yet have a look at joining one of our 0 - 5k beginners courses to ease you in. We are a Clubmark Club which means we have been through a process of accreditation to meet the criteria of a club that has a Junior Section. To find out more about Clubmark click the icon on the right. We also adhere to the guidelines in the EA club safeguarding and welfare framework.
We look forward to welcoming you soon. HRC is affiliated to England Athletics (EA Registration Number - 2658115), The Association of Running Clubs (ARC) & Devon County AA. We are a registered Community Amateur Sports Club (CASC number 05228) Meeting place: Silver St, Car Park, School Lane, Honiton. EX14 1QT at 6:30pm: Map here
Page editors: John Judy
If you are new to running then we can cater for you. Just come along and ask to see a member of the Committee. Paula Ferris, Chairperson welcomes any new runners who come along. But it would be good to let us know to expect you just in case they are away or there is a special activity planned for that night. Fill in the Contact Form
A very useful guide for beginners is here
A very useful guide for beginners is here
A Typical Week
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Main Club Night. We generally do something together. In the Winter we are restricted to running in Honiton or close to it. In the summer we head for the countryside and run country lanes and footpaths. We always have options to suit different abilities.
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Junior Club meets at Honiton Community College - link to Juniors Website above
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Main Training Night. The club coaches arrange a specific training programme. Once a month we do a 5K Handicap Run, which means even the slowest runner can win - and often has. We also do occasional Pub runs on Wednesday nights from a village pub which need headlights in the winter.
There is parkrun at several nearby locations at 9am on Saturday morning. Some members organise longer runs on Sundays, or sometimes Saturdays. But most race events are held at the weekend so several members will be competing somewhere. The club also organises training runs for the infamous Grizzly or the London Marathon.